I have been arrested. What happens next?

Broward County Criminal Defense Attorney explains the Criminal Court Process…by Neil C. Kerch

Being arrested is often a very traumatic and difficult experience.   It is a stressful event that can have a lasting impact on your life.   This post explain the steps you will go though if you are arrested and charged with a crime in Florida.


Once you are arrested, you will appear for a First Appearance if you have not already posted bond.  Florida law requires that all persons arrested will appear before a judge within 24 hours of your arrest. Continue reading I have been arrested. What happens next?

The Officers did not read me my Miranda Warnings

Broward County Criminal Defense Attorney explains when Officers are Required to Read you your Rights…by Neil C. Kerch

I often have many clients tell me that the police officers did not read them their Miranda Warnings.  My automatic response is “did the police officers ask you any questions? Police officers do not need to read Miranda Warnings for every arrest.  The duty to warn only arises when police officers conduct custodial interrogations.”   Custody and interrogation are the events that trigger the duty to warn. Continue reading The Officers did not read me my Miranda Warnings